Cindy Briggs


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Daniel Smith Neutral Tint: An Essential Tool for Watercolorists

Neutral Tint Palette Color Swatches

Daniel Smith Neutral Tint: An Essential Tool for Watercolorists

Years ago, Theresa Goesling and I encouraged Daniel Smith to create their own version Neutral Tint – a mixing color that you can add to almost any color in your palette to get a darker and/or more neutral version mix of that color. We knew our students would find this tool helpful in their painting process.

Daniel Smith worked with us and created the wonderful Daniel Smith Neutral Tint that is a staple in our watercolor palettes.  This hard-working color can instantly expand the value range of colors you can create with your palette.  So if you want to create rich darks, tone down a color, or create colorful neutrals this is the tool for you.

This dark neutral pigment has just the right mix to make it easy to use for both the beginner and the seasoned watercolorist. More importantly, Neutral Tint can darken most any specific color while keeping it in the same color family.  Whereas, if you try mixing other colors in to make a darker or more neutral version, you end up with a different muddier color altogether.

Working with Daniel Smith Neutral Tint is amazing. In the Daniel Smith Recording Studio, I demonstrated using Neutral Tint when I painted my Burano Colors, while Theresa tried it out on her Trattoria Monteross watercolor painting.  Here’s a link to the Daniel Smith Blog.

Daniel Smith listened to us, and followed through by creating Neutral Tint, one of the many select Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors in both my student and master palettes.   This is one of many reasons that I have stayed loyal to Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors over the years.

Theresa and I been sharing this creative journey and bringing our students along with us for painting experiences from Coast to Coast and internationally for over two decades.  Our Make Every Day A Painting adventures give us something exciting to look forward to together every year.



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