5 Reasons Why to Consider Painting Outdoors With a Group
Discover the benefits of painting outdoors with a group. From increased safety to camaraderie, learning opportunities, real-life inspiration, and group encouragement, find out why joining a painting group can take your artistic journey to new heights. Join us on our
Why I Started Painting Outdoors and Why You Can Too
Looking for a new source of inspiration and creativity in your art? Consider painting outdoors, also known as en plein air. As an artist, I found that painting outdoors provided a new level of inspiration and creativity that I couldn't
Easy Painting while Traveling
Favorite Watercolor Painting Tools Every artist has his or her favorite tools when it comes to painting. I love using the same Dynasty Black Gold 311 Size 4 Quill brush, Daniel Smith Watercolors, and Fabriano 140lb Cold Press paper when painting.