Cindy Briggs


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The Travel Creatively Journal

The Travel Creatively Journal

The Travel Creatively Journal

I used to feel that every painting I did had to end up in a frame.  A few years ago I started adding an art journal to my supplies when I traveled and found painting in the journal gave me freedom.  Freedom to paint just for me.  Instead of coming home with scraps of paper, odd sketches, notes and paintings, I now have a journal of my journey.   Yes, I still paint for my shows, but I also take advantage of time here and there to paint in my journal.  These journals become treasures, notes to refer to for larger studio paintings.  I love taking them to my shows and workshops for people to look through, and enjoy watching the process.  I also glue in tickets, business cards, postcards and my itinerary so that I have a quick reference for my trip.  The journal is an evolving project, it doesn’t have to be completed on your trip, you can add to it when you get home.

This image includes journals that Theresa Goesling and I have created over the past few years with our “Make Every Day A Painting” tours.  We set up this display for the February NorthWest Watercolor Society (NWWS) meeting where we demonstrated how to use white, black or buff “Daniel Smith Watercolor Ground” on our journal covers.   If you would like a copy of the instructions on how to use Daniel Smith Watercolor Ground it is available in our book “Make Every Day A Painting”.  Visit to purchase.  Sign up for the Quarterly Cindy Briggs Newsletter and Monthly Make Every Day A Painting Newsletter and I’ll send you a pdf copy with instructions on how to use Daniel Smith Watercolor Ground on your journal cover.  (Click on Newsletter Link above)

Add to or create your own travel journal with Theresa Goesling and I, this May 25-June 1st on our Make Every Day A Painting Travel Creatively Cruise.  See information on my Cruise page or call me today for details at 541-420-9463.  I’m also offering an all day Travel Creatively workshop in Bend, Oregon, June 14 at the Art Station. Visit  You can bring a project to start or finish.

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