Cindy Briggs


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Cindy Briggs Awarded NWS Signature Status

Cindy Briggs Dead Horse Point Canyonlands Utah

Cindy Briggs Awarded NWS Signature Status

Cindy Briggs, NWS, NWWS

I’m pleased to share with you that I have officially been recognized as a master artist with the  National Watercolor Society. This means I have earned the esteemed status and right to add the initials “NWS” after my name on my paintings.

This is in addition to my signature status with the Northwest Watercolor Society, which I’ve held for over 15 years. 


Why do the NWS and NWWS initials matter?


Earning Signature status with the National Watercolor Society and the Northwest Watercolor Society is incredibly meaningful to me. It means my work has been juried into numerous international exhibitions competing with thousands of artists submitting their work.  To be accepted into these events is challenging and always a huge honor.   It also means the highly acclaimed judges consider my work to represent the high standards, originality and quality that will contribute to elevating watermedia art.


Earning Signature Status is not easy. For NWWS, you’d need to have your work exhibited in two or more NWWS Annual International Open Exhibitions. Alternatively, you can have your work displayed at one Annual International Open Exhibition and two Waterworks Membership Exhibitions. I was fortunate to earn this status when I lived in the Northwest.


For the NWS Signature Status, you must have your work accepted into at least two Juried NWS International Open Exhibits which is intensely challenging when you are competing with leading artists from around the world.  Then your work needs to be voted in by 3 jurors or be accepted into three International Open Exhibits.  It has taken years to gain this recognition.  


My accepted painting “Dead Horse Point – Utah Canyonlands” will be shown in the 102nd International Open Exhibition at the NWS Gallery in San Pedro, California,  September 1 to November 6 with an Opening Reception on October 15 where I’ll receive my NWS Certificate.


As you can see, the selection process for these Watercolor Societies is rigorous, requiring  determination, patience, some prayers and most of all, beautiful paintings that stand out.  


I am humbled, delighted, and grateful for the recognition and the privilege of now adding NWS to my signature. More importantly, I am inspired to continue working towards elevating my art.  


To those who have followed and supported my artist’s journey, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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