Cindy Briggs


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How to Start Watercolor Painting for Beginners–Inspiration

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How to Start Watercolor Painting for Beginners–Inspiration

How to Start Watercolor Painting for Beginners

If you’re wondering how to start watercolor painting for beginners and looking for inspiration, it may be challenging to choose what to paint.

The most important first step is to find something you are inspired to paint.

When I’m in the studio I can take anywhere from minutes to days contemplating what I want to paint and searching through my collection of photos.

When I’m on location I usually just have minutes to decide what sparks my interest or what may work best for my students. I’ll look for a spot to paint that is pleasant to spend 30 minutes to 2 hours in.

Planning Composition

Once I’ve found my inspiration I plan my horizontal, vertical or square composition with small thumbnail designs in my sketchbook, then I sketch out a quick value study so I know I’ve got my shapes and values working for me.

I may even add some paint to this study as I decide on my color strategy.

Drawing Designs

Then it’s time to tape down some watercolor paper on a board or grab my watercolor sketchbook and draw out my design on paper with a pencil.

Before I add any watercolor I make sure that I’m pleased with the drawing and erase unnecessary lines with a kneaded eraser.

Now I’m ready to start painting with watercolors–depending on the subject I have different approaches, but the most important steps are already in place and I have my plan for painting.

Example of Thumbnails

If you’re learning how to start watercolor painting for beginners and looking for inspiration, this example of thumbnails from different perspectives may be helpful:

Starting with Watercolors—Inspiration Thumbnails

How to Start Watercolor Painting for Beginners Inspiration with Cindy Briggs

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