Cindy Briggs


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Easy Painting while Traveling

Easy Painting while Traveling

Easy Painting while Traveling

Favorite Watercolor Painting Tools

Every artist has his or her favorite tools when it comes to painting. I love using the same Dynasty Black Gold 311 Size 4 Quill brush, Daniel Smith Watercolors, and Fabriano 140lb Cold Press paper when painting. I also like to experiment with new discovered tools, too.

See here our recommended Watercolor Supply List.

Watercolor Pens for Quick Sketches

Recently, I tried using Genuine Craft Watercolor Pens, and they’re great for quick sketches. Since they don’t need to be dipped in water to get started, you can paint while you’re on the go—even inside a car.

I tried them using some traditional methods of watercolor painting. I dipped them in a bit of water and checked the effect. Then I tried them using the wet-on-dry and wet- on-wet techniques to get familiar with the results.

What I love about watercolor pens is that, when I use them, it’s fun to draw with flowing colors. Plus, I can sign my name a lot easier on the painting using a watercolor pen! I prefer using my palette and brush, but I can see where these would come in handy sometimes.

Painting While Traveling

Easy Painting While TravelingAnother thing I tried is a new Plein Air Pro Traveler’s set, which is so great to have when you want to paint outdoors. The set I chose includes a traveler’s backpack, traveler’s easel, tripod shelf, water pot, and travel-size palette.

The traveler’s easel has several cool features to make painting outdoors easier. It’s so lightweight and very easy to set up and take down. You can always paint on your lap and go without an easel. I usually use it when I’m teaching so everyone can see.

These cool tools are great for painting outdoors and when traveling, which is what I do much of the time. I also teach online classes, and I offer studio art workshops in places like Park City, Utah and Bend, Oregon. I’d love to have you join me some of my upcoming sessions!

Ten Tips to help you Finesse Fix your Watercolor Paintings 02

Ten Tips to help you Finesse Fix your Watercolor Paintings 02 mobile

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