How to Start a Travel Journal or Paint Journal or Sketch Journal
Before I started painting in a journal, I was intimidated about painting something that didn’t turn out, feeling that since it was a permanent page it my journal it better be good. Once I let go of this fear and
How to Track Your Watercolor Progress
Sometimes as artists we don’t see our progress because we are too close to what we are creating. So what I recommend is to put up your paintings so when you walk into the room they are at a distance.
What to Do When You’re in a Creative Rut
I’ve been in a creative rut a number of times in my life -- it happens to many of us. The deepest rut I found myself in was about 20 years ago and it coincided with a bout of depression
How to Take Travel Photos to Paint for Later
I used to carry a variety of cameras, storage drives, memory cards, and back in the day, rolls of film. Now, it’s so much simpler to just take photos for painting with my small iPhone. When I travel, I can take upwards
Painting En Plein Air – TOP TIPS for Beginners
I remember my first plein air experience, I had way too much stuff. If you pack less, you'll paint more is what I've learned with over 25 years of painting en plein air. Watercolors are the easiest medium to travel
How to Create Simple Watercolor Flowers
Beginner artists sometimes find it daunting to paint flowers. When this happens, I always tell my students to take a deep calming breath start seeing the world in simple shapes. Everything is composed of shapes, so looking at your subject, consider
How to Plan Out a Watercolor Painting
I’m taking you today to Mona, Utah to the site of the Lavender Fields about 40 minutes from my home in Utah. In this lesson, I’m sharing how I plan out my watercolor painting—what happens at the beginning of the
Easy Things to Paint for Beginner Artists
I’ve had beginner artists come to me and ask about easy things to paint in watercolors. Most of them are eager to paint but find themselves out of ideas, overwhelmed with too many concepts, or out of inspiration. I tell them
University of Utah Workshops
Do you want to learn how to draw with free-flowing lines? Then join me at the University of Utah Lifelong Center Workshops. I’ll also teach you how to confidently mix and mingle translucent watercolors to jazz up your sketches. Using watercolors and